The Friends of Briarlake Forest Park work with DeKalb County's Department of recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs to provide community leadership to restore, enhance, and protect Briarlake Forest Park's natural features, cultural history, and recreational opportunities. Through education, conservation, and public engagement, we strive to improve the quality of life in our community for generations to come.
Our Friends Group consists of neighbors who volunteer their leadership skills, time, creativity, and energy to support and sustain this are urban forest. Please view our News and Events page to view our calendar of scheduled events and workdays. We welcome volunteers to our scheduled workdays. Your involvement and your support is greatly appreciated.
Grounds, Trails and Maintenance Margo Reynolds, work day coordinator Milt Crouch Barbara Bowman Shannon Maher Jim Crawford Jim Longanecker Tom Howd Clell Deaver Brad Gilmer Wendy Heirendt Sue Settles Andy Davis Jim Davis Faye Brown Philip Brown Tim Twomey Restoration and Preservation Grace Edwards Gregory George Budget, Fundraising and Grants Milt Crouch Mary Pat Crouch Margo Reynolds Barbara Bowman Shannon Maher Safety, Health and Wellness John Steward Education Margo Reynolds Open for assist! Communication, Website and Neighborhood Relations Mary Pat Crouch Milt Crouch Loraine Fick Barbara Bowman Events and Programming Wendy Heirendt Open for assist! Dekalb Extension Master Gardener Program Margo Reynolds, site leader Milt Crouch Barbara Bowman Shannon Maher Joy Abrams Jack Weeks Kevon Watson Janice Fett Katie Hendrickson Stephanie Byrne